Featured Product Review

Featured Product Review from Isle of Man Food.com

I got myself a couple of bottles of the Green Mann Spring water to try. This is a local water from the lowlands of Ballbrooie, not far from St Johns. What it says on the bottle is that the rain that falls on the Slieau Whallin hill runs down to create subterranean streams into Ballabrooie and these waters then rise up hundreds of feet below ground to make a pure natural water, all of which does sound rather nice! Not being a water expert I chilled the bottle in the fridge overnight, I did once hear that most of the flavour of water is determined by the temperature!. After chilling I cracked open the Grolsch like bottle seal (like the ones we used to collect as key rings when we were younger!) and poured a nice glass. It was really pretty good – for water anyway. It tasted crisp and fresh for a still spring water. I don’t think I will be buying it all the time as I don’t mind the local tap water, but for the occasional dinner party or gathering I think I will definitely get a few bottles and it comes in still or sparkling as well which is good.

Gourmet Shark verdict – quirky bottle with a nice clean fresh taste. Definite thumbs up and hope people at least give it a try.

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