At harbour2harbour 2016

Food and drink festival offers taste of our island

The tastes and textures of Manx produce were showcased in fine style at the Food and Drink Festival over the weekend.

Specially-erected marquees at the Villa Marina gardens in Douglas housed one of the island’s largest gatherings of producers, with stalls cooking up samples and revealing preparation techniques.

Also found around the grounds for the Saturday and Sunday event was live cow milking, have-a-go wheat milling and butter making, as well as some of the lambs and beef calves whose parents were rescued in the snowdrifts that hit the island so heavily in the spring.

Special guests were the ‘Fabulous Baker Brothers’, Tom and Henry Herbert, who also appeared in the Manx LitFest area, and signed copies of their cookery books at the storytelling marquee.

The pair were also there to judge the I Love Manx chef competition.

Tantalising taste buds in the final was Marcus Purcell, head chef at the Glen Helen Inn, who cooked up a poached fillet of Manx beef, with thyme-infused poached egg and chips cheese and gravy. He was, however, pipped to the post by Joan Mowat of Tanroagan restaurant in Douglas’ winning dish of Manx queenie pie with smoked bacon.

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Water problem Isle of Man – Solution – Free Spring Water

For the next 48 hours Green Mann Spring is offering free spring water to all Isle of Man residents affected by the current water problems in many parts of the island.

To take advantage of this offer please visit our bottling plant on Patrick road St. Johns with your sterile water containers and we will fill them for you free of charge.

This service is offered from 8am to 8pm Free for the next 48 hours.

*** Isle of Man Water and Sewerage Authority has issued a ” Boiled Water Notice” advising that all drinking water should be boiled before being consumed – over the next 48 hours.

*** Further notice issued
The Water & Sewerage Authority would like to further advice customers, that the Boil Water notice is Not as a result of any contamination issues. Comments raised with the Authority regarding sewerage contamination are without foundation

Charles and Camilla’s Royal visit to the Isle of Man

The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall, Charles and Camilla, undertook a whistle-stop tour of the Isle of Man as part of the late Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations.

As part of their tour they came to Peel where clusters of onlookers gathered in a bid to catch a glimpse of the Royal couple. Residents took to the streets of the sunset city, many proudly waving red flags emblazoned with the iconic three legs of Man.

At the House of Manannan, a museum which guides visitors through the island’s rich Celtic, Viking, and Maritime past, the couple got the chance to speak to some of the island’s local food producers, including the Apple Orphanage Co, Green Mann Spring, Ellerslie Rapeseed Oil, Isle of Man Creamery, Laxey Glen Flour Mills, and Ramsey Bakery.
They viewed first-hand a stunning selection of produce and even got to try a few samples. Also at the reception were some of the island’s young farmers along with representatives from the local Prince’s Trust, the Manx Wildlife Trust, and the Manx Osteoporosis Society.

A spokesperson from the Isle of Man Post Office said of the visit: ‘Despite the Island’s inclement weather on the day, the visit still brought out, in force, the Royal fans and schoolchildren who thoroughly enjoyed seeing the Royal couple in such a momentous year for the British Royal Family.

Small Medium Enterprise of the Year Awards 2011

Collins Stewart Wealth Management is sponsoring the Small Medium Enterprise of the Year Award at this year’s Isle of Man Newspapers’ Awards for Excellence.

Dermot Hamill, head of wealth management Isle of Man, said that the company was delighted to be once more involved with the awards.

‘We’ve been sponsors of the awards right from the outset and we’re very happy to support the event,’ he said.

‘I think it’s great because it shows a lot of what’s very good about the Isle of Man, and shows the island in a very positive light.

‘It also brings a lot of attention to people who wouldn’t ordinarily get that attention and it’s just very nice to be involved – there’s real “feel-good” factor.

‘This year we are sponsoring the Small Medium Enterprise of the Year Award and it will be very interesting to see what the entries are. It will be nice to present the award to a business which is dynamic and outgoing.’

Last year’s winner of the Small Medium Enterprise Award was Green Mann Spring Water.

Shane Martin who collected the award on behalf of the family company said:

‘It helped us from a sales point of view because it was very reassuring for people to see that we had achieved this at such an early stage in the business.

‘The process of entering also made us realise what we’d achieved. When you’re so busy all the time, you don’t really forget, but when you sit down to fill in the entry forms, it does really bring it to light when you have to put it down on paper.’

Read the Original Article

Welcome to Green Mann Spring!

At Ballabrooie, the home of Green Mann Spring we believe in and support a sustainable self sufficient community on the Island.

So on our blog we will be bringing you Green News from the Isle of Man to support all environmental initiatives on the Island, with a focus on:

  • the planting of native and food bearing trees
  • fresh naturally produced food
  • the benefits of pure water to our health

As well as the latest about our Pure Natural Spring Water of course.

Find out more on the Green Mann Spring website.

Green Mann Spring: Hydrating Key Discussions at the British-Irish Council Meeting

The British-Irish Council meeting saw a number of political heavyweights converge on the Sefton Hotel to discuss a range of topical weighty issues.

Chaired by Chief Minister Tony Brown the line up featured Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg,among many others.

As political leaders tackled weighty issues, Green Mann Spring was there to keep them refreshed and focused—because every great decision starts with a clear mind and pure water.

Green Mann Spring Ltd recognised for Success!

We were delighted to be awarded the 2010 Conister Bank Award for Small, Medium Enterprise as part of the Isle of Man Newspapers Awards for Excellence celebrating success in all walks of Island life.

The following article gives an overview of the evenings events;

Manx business celebrated in another glittering awards night

MORE than 1,200 people packed into the Villa Marina in Douglas tonight (Thursday) to enjoy the annual Isle of Man Newspapers’ Awards for Excellence evening.

In total, 16 awards were made – to companies, individuals, charities and public sector bodies.

In addition, the lifetime achievement award was given to Deemster Mike Kerruish, who died in July.

Members of his family, friends and colleagues paid tribute to him in an emotional video remembering his contribution to Manx life.

The compare for the evening was impressionist Rory Bremner, while Four Poofs and a Piano provided musical accompaniment.

The Isle of Man Examiner will include a 32-page supplement about the awards.

More details will also appear on this site as well.

The winners were:

Microgaming Award for Innovation and Independent Thinking: CVI Optics

Sure Award for People Management and Development: Chartered Management Institute – Executive Challenge

The Isle of Man Bank Award for Team Work: Nursing and Midwifery Advisory Council

Barclays Wealth Award for Young Achiever: Darren Young

The Domicilium Award for Customer Service: Manx Telecom

Bridson and Horrox Award for Public Sector Achievement: Treasury, Income Tax division

IOMA Group Award for Charity, Cultural and Social Responsibility: Friends Provident International

Celton Manx Award for Business Person of the Year: Chris Stott

Britannia International Award for Company of the Year: Capital International Group

Tynwald Mills Award for Volunteer of the Year: Carol Pattie

Sefton Group Award for Marketing and PR Effectiveness: Sure

Conister Bank Award for Small, Medium Enterprise: Green Mann Spring Water Ltd

Thomas Miller Award for Corporate Social Responsibility: Ramsey Cottage and District Hospital

Collins Stewart Award for Excellence in Technology: Strix Ltd

RBS Coutts Award for International Business of the Year: Appleby

Isle of Man Government Award for Freedom to Flourish: Isle of Man Aerospace Cluster

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Featured Product Review

Featured Product Review from Isle of Man

I got myself a couple of bottles of the Green Mann Spring water to try. This is a local water from the lowlands of Ballbrooie, not far from St Johns. What it says on the bottle is that the rain that falls on the Slieau Whallin hill runs down to create subterranean streams into Ballabrooie and these waters then rise up hundreds of feet below ground to make a pure natural water, all of which does sound rather nice! Not being a water expert I chilled the bottle in the fridge overnight, I did once hear that most of the flavour of water is determined by the temperature!. After chilling I cracked open the Grolsch like bottle seal (like the ones we used to collect as key rings when we were younger!) and poured a nice glass. It was really pretty good – for water anyway. It tasted crisp and fresh for a still spring water. I don’t think I will be buying it all the time as I don’t mind the local tap water, but for the occasional dinner party or gathering I think I will definitely get a few bottles and it comes in still or sparkling as well which is good.

Gourmet Shark verdict – quirky bottle with a nice clean fresh taste. Definite thumbs up and hope people at least give it a try.

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MHK’s outrage at cost of importing bottled water

An MHK is calling for all government departments and boards to use Manx bottled water.

David Cannan (Michael) says it is an ‘outrage’ that so much taxpayers’ money is spent on imported water from the UK.

The Isle of Man Examiner reported last month that just under 75,000 was spent by government departments, offices and statutory boards on water coolers in the last financial year. Most use imported bottled water.

This figure for the sum splashed out by taxpayers was revealed in response to one of a series of freedom of information requests submitted to the government by Isle of Man Newspapers.

Mr Cannan, who was previously chairman of the Water Authority, has written to the chief executives of all departments and boards requesting that, if they have to use bottled water, then they should make sure it is Manx bottled water.

He wrote: ‘I am becoming increasingly irritated when I visit government departments and statutory boards when I see large amounts of bottled water imported from Buxton and other parts of the UK in water coolers and available in bottles at meetings.

‘The Isle of Man is spending millions of pounds on promoting the Isle of Man and Manx products yet departments of government and statutory boards are spending money buying bottles of UK water.’

He told iomtoday: ‘It is an outrage that so much taxpayers’ money is spent purchasing bottled water from the UK when there is an abundant supply of the local product both bottled and natural.

‘It is important that the Isle of Man Government purchase Isle of Man products wherever possible and support the local economy.’

Mr Cannan included with his letters a brochure about Green Mann Spring Water although he has stressed he has no links at all to any suppliers of Manx bottled water.

He said that, depending on the response he receives from his letters, he will raise a question in Tynwald on the issue.

But he said the response from departments so far suggested there may already be a change of policy on bottled water.

David Killip, chief executive of the Department of Health and Social Security, told him in his reply that the department’s chief operating officer was currently reviewing the extent of the use of imported bottled water.

The DHSS spent 7,581 on cooled drinking water machines in 2008-09, many of the water coolers located in public areas in hospitals, health centres, clinics and residential homes.

Mr Killip added: ‘It does need to be recognised, however, that in some instances water is provided for clinical/patient benefit reasons. Nonetheless, it is very helpful to know of the local supplier.

‘The department will remain committed to the procurement and promotion of Isle of Man products.’

Mr Cannan said he was pleased to see some departments were now using Manx water: ‘The message is getting home. But if I continue to see in the next two to three months more and more Buxton water, I will be asking in Tynwald whether the Council of Ministers supports buying Manx.

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